About me

Hi, my name is Emil. But I mostly go by the alias Lefpadlog. Lefpadlog is the german word for golden apple in reverse. As you could have guessed I am from Austria, a little german speaking country in Europe.

My childhood was pretty rough. My dad died on a hiking trip when I was 13 years old. This tragedy made me realize the true purpose of live. Live is about being happy and spending time with people you care for and love. Don't give up because something bad happened, keep on going, you won't regret it.

I personally don't believe in God, but I do believe in life after death. A live where everyone who done nothing bad to society will meet and wait for their loved ones and be happy forever and much longer. This belief mostly takes my fear of death away. If you don't try to harass anyone, or force them to do something, because your religion said so, I fully support you. The importance of faith are not rules. It's to be happy and comfortable.


Nathalie is the love of my life. And I am so thankfully for every second I am able to spend with her. Her smile makes my heart warms up every time. She is getting more and more pretty every day I am together with her. We are together since 20. March 2023, but it feels like it was yesterday. What I am able to experience can I just describe from the bottom of my heart as true love. To thank her and make her feel the same about me, I dedicated a section of my website to her. Sometimes our relationship goes through a couple of arguments. But this is completely normal. The important thing is, that after the arguments we have a chat together to improve our self.


Privacy is not a dream... it's a human right

In my opinion everyone should enforce their right to privacy. Data minors should dissolve and the people who taken part in illegal activities charged for their crimes. I personally like using open source products, these give me the feeling of been in control of my data and a nearly 100% guaranty that the project will never shut down, because there are a lot of people who don't have anything better to do with their life.

GraphenOS is a modified android version, which is focused on privacy and security. It is based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and is available for the newer Google Pixel devices (kinda ironic). A thing that I like are the custom permissions. You can allow or deny literally every permission for every app. For example, if an app doesn't need network access, you can deny it. GraphenOS also has a feature called "hardened malloc". This feature makes it harder for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability in an app.

Running a Nextcloud server on your own raspberry pi is also a better alternative than online cloud storages. It gives you more options for syncing, and you have all the space you want for free. You can also share files with other people within a few clicks. Nextcloud also has a lot of plugins, like face recognition. You can also use the Nextcloud app on your phone to sync your photos and contacts.

KeepassXC is the best password manager I have ever used. It is open source, has a lot of features and is available on all systems. Password managers are important because they help you to create and store strong passwords. You should never use the same password for multiple accounts, because if one account gets hacked, all your accounts are in great danger.

Proton is a good alternative for Google products. Not all features are free, but with a not that expensive subscription it gives more all than you need. Proton is a swiss based company whose focus is on privacy. Proton offers the following services: an Email service, a VPN, a Password manager, a Calendar, a Cloud Storage (If you don't want to use your own), and lately also a crypto wallet.

The Zen browser is a good alternative for Chromium browser. It is based on firefox and has a lot of privacy features. The Brave browser is a bit more controversial. It has a lot of privacy features, but is sadly based on chromium. Brave search on the other hand can I just recommend to use instead of Google search.


Every human also has the right to freedom and free speech. Those who try to lock them up for no reason or mute them in any way, should be punished.

In my opinion a world without the BIG 3 would be better in a lot of ways. Who are they? USA, Russia, and China. These countries are involved in actions that can have significant consequences on global stability and individual lives. While global politics are complicated and contentious, I believe that the actions of certain major powers, such as China, Russia, and the USA, have led to numerous humanitarian issues. China’s treatment of the Uighurs, Russia’s suppression of journalists, and the USA’s involvement in prolonged conflicts in the Middle East have caused significant global distress. We must strive for a world where cooperation and diplomacy can prevail over violence and division. They started a lot of wars in the middle east, and are responsible for the death of millions of civilians. Those who killed women and children were never punished, no more likely promoted. Why wars? Why don't we love each other and help each other? Why do we have to kill each other?

The world is unfair. There are people who are not able to spend their money within 100 lifetimes. On the other hand are people starving, because they have no money or lost everything due to war. This needs to stop. Rich people should be forced to pay much more taxes. I think we need a new economic. Neither Capitalism nor Communism are good. People should not exploit minority's with the only purpose being to increase their wealth.


Coding is my favourite (and only) hobby. I had my first experience with it at the age of 11. I watched a video from the chanel 3Blue1Brown and I wondered how I could also make such awesome animations. Somewhere I read the name "Python" and the rest is history. For the first few years I just programmed a lot of small, mostly useless, projects. But I gained a lot of experience out of them. My passion for coding really started kicking in when I went to the HTL St. Pölten. I learned a lot of new things and met a lot of new people. I also started to learn new languages like Java with the better alternative Kotlin, JavaScript with the better alternative TypeScript and Rust. Besides them, I learned new frameworks like Angular and Vue. Important to say is that the school didn't teach me most of these languages. I learned them in my free time.


If you want to chat with me, you can write me an email at emil@lefpadlog.com